For the love

Of Ray


A real fantasy
 A book by Spike   a.k.a  Gilbert  Holderness
Vol­ume 1 & Vol­ume 2

For the love of Ray- a real fan­ta­sy is the sto­ry of an adven­tur­ous road trip tak­en by a King and his four clos­est friends. Set long ago they must trav­el to save the Queen from a dead­ly ill­ness cast upon her by the evil lord of the mutu­al. A com­ing of age tale it is humor­ous and inci­sive in the depth of their giv­en bond. Beloved char­ac­ters abound in this retelling of a true sto­ry that will cap­ture your imag­i­na­tion and hope­ful­ly leave you want­i­ng more.

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